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Artlogo – a New, Digital Signature Earns CEO More Deals, More Free Time

Derek is a successful CEO. His detail-oriented approach to his e-commerce business has garnered thousands of happy clients over the years

KINGTON, ENGLAND, December 18, 2022 / -- Derek is a successful CEO. His detail-oriented approach to his e-commerce business has garnered thousands of happy clients over the years. However, a demanding schedule that forces him to run from meeting to meeting and sign paper after paper is starting to spread him thin.

His most exhausting, time-consuming task requires signing endless piles of client contracts. Derek cares about his clients deeply as if they were his family and refuses to cut corners with them, but he’s desperate to find a way to streamline the process, signing thousands of documents without sacrificing his professional touch. He starts looking for alternatives and stumbles upon Artlogo – a personal branding company, one of their many services being personal signatures.

“It was awful, really. I love each one of my clients, but who wants to sit around signing their name all day? I needed a quick remedy that didn’t look like I was taking shortcuts. Something to streamline paperwork while still looking professional.”

After scrolling through dozens of signature logos from people in his exact dilemma, Derek decides to reach out to Artlogo and speak with one of their calligraphers. Already having a wealth of experience in this matter, the team artist gets to work straight away on crafting a signature that captures Derek’s level of professionalism and will make a lasting impression on the public. Their writing process is 100% physical and there’s no touching up or post-production. They simply digitize the handwritten signature and send it to Derek via e-mail in several sizes and file formats for his convenience.

By uploading his digital signature to Adobe Sign, Derek begins closing deals with just a few clicks and saves countless hours signing paperwork. What’s more, his signature has never looked better. He understands that something as seemingly simple as one’s signature is an extension of their personal brand, so attention to detail is key. His hand no longer tires out after dozens of contracts, so all of his documents look professional.

“I’m really pleased with the outcome. I had no idea $35.95 would have turned out to be such a worthy investment. I can’t even calculate how many hours it saved me in the first month of use.”

In addition to saving time with papers, Derek is able to seal more deals by uploading his signature to the bottom of his emails. Potential clients are drawn by his attention to detail and it generates more interest in his company. The number of e-mail replies he received nearly doubled within three months of use.

Moreover, providing an added personal touch to his brand helped him seal a massive new seller. The contract, the biggest of Derek’s career, closed for $3 million.

“I really didn’t think it could make such a big difference. I got an Artlogo to save time, but what I got was the ultimate tool in my branding arsenal! I’m sealing bigger deals than ever before and getting compliments on my signature, so I know it’s making a difference.” is the first choice of successful professionals across countless industries. If you’re in need of that extra, personalized edge to make your personal brand stand out, join the ranks of Derek and hundreds more satisfied business owners and contact them for assistance today.

They’re a professional team of designers who produce hand-written and illustrated logos and signatures for business purposes. Each project is done entirely by hand with no reliance on fonts or graphic design. The product is then digitized and can be inserted into business cards or any branded content. For more information and to contact a designer for your logo, visit their website, their Youtube channel, or their Instagram page.

Cynthia Post
+44 7441 440279
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Artlogo Logo Signature Design Process

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